Job Title: Senior Research Engineer
Reporting to: Dr Liam Morris, Academic Director
Location: MET Technology Gateway, Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (GMIT), Galway
Duration: Two Year fixed-term contract
Enterprise Ireland funded MET Technology Gateway has been delivering applied biomedical engineering research that actively supports the MedTech sector. MET provides to our business partners technologies which accelerate the medical device design and validation process. ISO 9001 accredited, MET is now internationally recognised as a world class innovation solution provider for industry.
In collaboration with our industry partner Becton Dickinson, the centre is seeking to recruit a highly motivated and talented senior research engineer to work on the development of a technology to inform the design of the next generation of a medical device.
- Mechanical, Aeronautical, Biomedical or Manufacturing Engineering primary degree or equivalent.
- Minimum of postgraduate qualification and/or substantial industrial research experience or equivalent.
Minimum Requirements:
The candidate should have experience in some or all of the following:
- Design engineering experience
- Experience in the design and R&D of medical devices
- Industry experience and/or postgraduate research degree (Masters or PhD)
- Expert in the theory of hemodynamics and/or solid mechanics with emphases on mechanical vibrations.
- Capable of independent research.
- Automation and control.
- Computational modelling (Finite element analysis)
- Technical troubleshooting skills.
- Material selection, design and testing.
Key Responsibilities:
- Work closely with PI’s to deliver the industry specific projects and agreed specifications on agreed timescales.
- Interpret medical data and generate three-dimensional virtual models of the human vasculature based on medical image datasets.
- Design, develop and manufacture the relevant vasculature and associated anatomical structures based on medical imaging.
- Assist the Centre Director and PI’s generate equipment ideas and concepts in collaboration with industry partner and clinicians.
- Assist in planning and implementing the research project activities.
- Work and interact on a day to day basis with other team members as required.
- Share responsibility for ensuring that research project timelines are adhered to.
- Perform research and technical tasks as assigned.
- Ensure that research requirements in terms of documentation of the project activities, milestones, etc., are implemented and adhered to.
- Develop and maintain relations with academic, clinical and industry partners.
- Apply mathematical and numerical methods to improve the proposed design concept(s).
- Design for manufacturability.
- Assist in the identification of intellectual property generated in the work-programme.
- Draft a patent application and perform a freedom to operate analysis.
- Provide design inputs into the proposed medical device solution.
- Co-ordinate prototype development.
- Maintain laboratory notebooks, research records and generate technical reports and data as required by the management team.
- Attend regular meetings with project team and other stakeholders.
- Ensure that project work is performed in line with Health and Safety and other relevant Institute policies.
- Maintain confidentiality of all background IP, foreground IP, and research results emerging form this project.
- Engage and communicate with customers and other stakeholders.
- Provide training to other team members as required.
- Prepare and deliver project progress presentations.
Salary: Appointment will be on the IUA Research Fellow (Level 3) scale: €53,776.00 in year 1, €55,335.00 in year 2.
Further information on the position may be obtained from Dr Liam Morris, Senior Principal Investigator (
Interested applicants should submit a detailed Curriculum Vitae including a personal statement as to how you meet the requirements of the post described to
The Human Resources Department
Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
Dublin Road
H91 T8NW
Telephone No. + 353 91 742766/742767 /742740
Latest date for receipt of completed application is: 12 noon on Monday, 28th January 2019.
Please note: Applications received after the closing date will not be accepted. Candidates must hold a valid work permit/hosting agreement to work in Ireland. Garda Vetting will apply.
The Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes applications from people with a disability.
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