The MET Technology Gateway is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union through the ERDF Northern and Western Regional Programme 2021-27


A cohort of industry clients already exploits the rich medical data repository currently available at GMIT for the design of company specific testing platforms. This level of engagement has led to series of initial consultations with the MedTech sector and the requirement for  technological solutions including the provision of expertise, consisting of deliverables such as software prototypes and proof-of-concept artefacts, modelling (software and mathematical), systems design, best practice and feasibility studies in the following areas were identified:

  • Data Visualisation (graphics, graphic manipulation, Unity).
  • Big-Data Analytics (including sensors, IoT, modelling and programming). Applications to all industry segments.
  • Data Storage (relational, wide-column, graph databases, tuple stores, document stores).

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