The MET Technology Gateway is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union through the ERDF Northern and Western Regional Programme 2021-27

MET Gateway Management Team

Academic Directors: Dr Eugene McCarthy, Dr Liam Morris, Dr Patrick Delassus, Dr Lisa Ryan

Technology Gateway Manager: Sharon White

Key Principal Investigators:  Dr John Healy, Dr Eleanor Rainsford

The MET management team’s primary role is to underpin the agreed applied research strategy and technology themes of the Technology Gateway Programme and to continue to contribute to the development of the required technology capabilities for the benefit of the industry support base. The management team reports to the vice president of research, development and innovation at GMIT, the industrial steering committee and funding agencies.

Technology Gateway Manager is responsible for achieving the targeted levels of industrial engagement and will oversee the implementation of the technology themes for the industry support base. The Gateway Manager identifies and assesses new opportunities and marketing technologies, and ensures a good knowledge and understanding of intellectual and property protection and exploitation. The Gateway Manager will on a regular basis report to the Industry Steering Committee on the performance of the Gateway. The Gateway Manager leads the promotion and marketing of the Gateway and builds awareness and engagement with Start-ups, SMEs and MNCs.

Industry Steering Committee

The primary functions of the Steering Committee is to the maintain industry focus and relevance of the Gateway and to oversee the development of the Gateway’s technology themes. The Technology Gateway Manager meets with the Steering Committee at the end of each quarter, where the progress on the technology themes and work plan will be reported on. The steering committee will direct the Technology Gateway Manager on implementing the strategic plan in order to achieve key milestones and deliverables outlined for each technology theme. The steering committee consists of senior figures from the MedTech and Precision Engineering Sector:

  • Aerogen
  • Advant Medical
  • Boston Scientific
  • Capsos Medical
  • Carragh Precision
  • Creganna Medical
  • Crospon
  • DiaNia Technologies
  • Goodman Medical
  • Lake Region Medical
  • Medtronic
  • Neuravi
  • Veryan Medical