The MET Technology Gateway is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union through the ERDF Northern and Western Regional Programme 2021-27

Assessment of a novel prototype device monitoring human movement

Dr Chris Duke and Dr Micheál Newell are the co-founders of Edge Performance Analytics, a sports technology company focused on monitoring human movement and specifically knee joint function. The measurement of joint motion (angular kinematics) during human movement is complex and traditionally involves the use of video-based systems. Recent advances in inertial sensor technology support the use of  wearable sensor-based systems by both researchers and practitioners for this purpose, overcoming many of the limitations of video-based systems.

Edge Performance Analytics have collaborated on two Innovation Vouchers  in a partnership with GMIT, working with Dr Robert Mooney in the Department of Sport, Exercise and Nutrition. The aim of this collaboration was to assess the accuracy of a novel prototype device, developed by Edge Performance Analytics, for the measurement of knee joint angular kinematics during dynamic activity. Knee joint angles were measured during a range of activities related to both daily living and sporting situations. Video recordings, using high speed video hardware and specialised digitisation software, were used for the determination of the accuracy of the prototype and to assess potential applications in real-world settings.

The Innovation voucher scheme is an excellent way of linking academia with industry to work collaboratively on mutually beneficial projects. Companies can access expertise, equipment and facilities that can help move their ideas and product development forwards, whilst GMIT can benefit from helping to solve real-world problems and contribute to the body of knowledge.

An additional benefit of this collaboration is that Edge Performance Analytics have become involved in the student placement programme for the BSc (Hons) in Sport and Exercise Science, continuing the collaborative relationship with GMIT and supporting the ongoing transfer of knowledge.


“Having access to sports facilities as well as students willing to help with our testing process has meant we could accelerate the development and testing of our device. Dr Mooney and colleagues provided us with fantastic support throughout the whole innovation voucher process and I’d highly recommend GMIT and MET to anyone looking for R&D support and expertise.”

Dr Chris Duke, CEO Edge Performance Analytics

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