The MET Technology Gateway is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union through the ERDF Northern and Western Regional Programme 2021-27

Anatomical Modelling & Physiological Replication

This technology theme builds on the established and valuable relationship with MedTech companies and clinicians. The Research & Development expertise available to the Gateway offer a unique conduit between medical product engineering and an in-depth knowledge of internal anatomy. Specifically, MET researchers have mastered the ability to translate medical data into engineering data and finally in to clinically endorsed anatomical models. These models are fully compliant, X-ray and echo compatible, and can replicate healthy and diseased tissue. Often surpassing the best-in-class models available, these models can be built to replicate standard or patient specific profiles. The centre also continues to improve its ability to replicate friction forces, biological artefacts and the dynamics of living organs.

From an R&D perspective, the core advantages of using anatomical models are:

  • More clinically relevant than animal models as specific abnormalities can be added to the test
  • Cheaper and faster than animal studies and can be used at the early design stage to give a high assurance of design efficacy prior to animal/ human trials
  • Can accelerate the design process by giving quick insight into design effectiveness


MET also specialise in developing advanced simulation systems that can replicate the associated physiological parameters, including pulsatile flow, blood pressure, cardiac output and blood mimicing fluid. Our models and simulation systems are used to assess the performance of prototypes, for clinician feedback and for design verification and validation.

The real value of these suite of Anatomical Modelling and Physiological Replication technologies comes from their connection with the overall suite of medical imaging services.

This link provides further information on our equipment and capabilities.

If you would like further information or have an idea for a new product or service, please contact us for advice and support.