Dr Sharon Duffy
Sharon holds a B.Sc in Medical Science from Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology. She is currently undertaking an employment based PhD with a medical device company
The MET Technology Gateway is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union through the ERDF Northern and Western Regional Programme 2021-27
Sharon holds a B.Sc in Medical Science from Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology. She is currently undertaking an employment based PhD with a medical device company
Fiona was awarded a Science Foundation Ireland/Dell Young Women in Engineering Scholarship to study biomedical engineering at the University of Limerick. She graduated in 2013
Joaquín became part of the MET team in 2018 and is involved in the development and production of 3D clinically relevant test systems for vasculature
I graduated from University of Genoa (Italy) in 1997 with an Honours Degree in Chemical Engineering with specialisation in Food and Environmental Engineering. In 2000
Dr Karode received her Ph.D. in convergent technologies from Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland in the field of electroactive polymer using novel supercritical assisted processing
At MET, Benoit has been collaborating with global and start-up MedTech companies on innovation partnerships and innovation vouchers funded by Enterprise Ireland. For a list
Dr Stefanov is a Biomedical Engineer and Technology Leader of the MET Gateway, with over 10 years’ experience in the design and fabrication processes of