I graduated from University of Genoa (Italy) in 1997 with an Honours Degree in Chemical Engineering with specialisation in Food and Environmental Engineering. In 2000 I graduated from UCD with a MSc in Food Science, investigating eating quality of beef burgers cooked by different technologies and in 2005 with a PhD, focusing on the modification of the quality of meat using a dietary approach at farm level. I currently lecturer in food science, technology and safety on the Public Health Nutrition BSc and the Culinary and Gastronomic Sciences BA programmes. My areas of specific expertise are food science and technology food processing, human nutrition and sensory science. My recent research activities focused on different aspects of quality and safety of foods processed by thermal and non-thermal processing technologies, with more current research studying the development of food products from under-utilised marine ingredients. I have over 15 years of experience in research on physical and chemical aspects of food quality by instrumental and sensory methods.