The MET Technology Gateway is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union through the ERDF Northern and Western Regional Programme 2021-27

Dr Eugene McCarthy

Academic Director

Dr Eugene McCarthy is currently the acting Head of Department in Biopharmaceutical and Medical Science in the School of Science and Computing and is academic director and founder of the Medical & Engineering Technologies Gateway.

After graduating in GMIT, Eugene completed his PhD at the Institute of Science, Technology and Medicine in Keele University (UK). Following his PhD Eugene returned to GMIT in 2009 as a Post-Doctoral researcher under the EI Applied research Enhancement programme and developed a core proteomics research facility which serves a number of research programmes conducted in GMIT. His research is funded by Enterprise Ireland, the Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine, the Marine Institute, BIM, Irish Research Council and direct industry funding and in excess of €15 million to date. He has licensed technologies and has high-impact factor publications in Journals such as Stroke and Scientific Reports.

In 2016, Eugene successfully secured funding from the Enterprise Ireland Technology Gateway programme to establish MET and subsequently became the Technology Gateway Manager. Eugene oversees the strategic direction of MET and working with industry partners has established a range of applied technology themes providing innovative solutions for MedTech companies involved in the research & development of next generation devices.

MET was recipient of the Galway Chamber research and innovation award in 2018 and the highly prestigious Irish MedTech award for academic contribution to the MedTech sector in 2019, further demonstrating the impact of the Centre.