The MET Technology Gateway is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union through the ERDF Northern and Western Regional Programme 2021-27

Invention Services Ltd – Design of a prototype for the treatment of Dupuytrens disease

Invention Services ( is a small medical device company located in the Galway Technology Centre. The company has an interest in developing a device for the treatment of Dupuytrens disease.The company sought design expertise to develop a prototype that would allow a Dupuytrens patient to fully extend its finger. The development of a prototype would allow for both clinical and patient feedback on the design of future designs.

MET helped the company to gather the relevant clinical and engineering data needed for the project by investigating the Dupuytren contracture condition anatomy from medical publications. MET determined the existing treatments methods and devices used in latest medical procedure. In addition, MET examined the company’s existing prototype and investigated its strengths and limitations. Using this information, MET engineers designed computer 3D prototype and printed the devices. Following the fabrication of prototypes, characterisation of the products specification in terms of design and functionality was carried out together with the company. On completion of the project the relevant 3D CAD files and the 3D printed final prototypes were provided to the company.

The innovation voucher project demonstrated proof of concept and allowed the company to demonstrate its idea to potential investors. These prototypes will be use to get feedback from clinicians and users in order to adjust or redefine the product design brief.

Company Testimonial received from Tricia Fahy Head of Innovation Management:
As a result of this first innovation voucher project we now have a proof of concept and we can demonstrate that our idea can be turned into an object. Furthermore, the critical expected functionality is demonstrated through the customised design carried out by the MET Technology Gateway. The prototypes generated by MET will be use to get feedback from clinicians and users in order to adjust or redefine the product design brief.’

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