Medical Imaging Suite
MEDICAL IMAGING SUITE The Philips Azurion 7 M20 digital fluoroscope in the purpose-built Medical Imaging Suite consititues an outstanding resource for the MedTech industry and academic
Data/ Workflow Modelling and Visualisation
DATA/WORKFLOW MODELLING & VISUALISATION A cohort of industry clients already exploits the rich medical data repository currently available at GMIT for the design of company
3D Printing for Rapid Prototyping
3D PRINTING FOR RAPID PROTOTYPING The center is home to a variety of state-of-the-art 3D printers which enables quick fabrication and rapid prototyping for industry
General Fabrication Facilities
GENERAL FABRICATION FACILITIES The Center has the ability and expertise to fabricate and test a wide variety of samples, models and prototypes for industry. The
SEM Microscope
SEM MICROSCOPE The MET Gateway offers a suite of imaging technologies not readily available elsewhere. One such piece of equipment is our SEM, a Jeol
Testing & Pulsatile Flow-Simulators
TESTING & PULSATILE FLOW-SIMULATORS The Pulsatile flow simulators at the Met center can be used as standalone equipment in design verification studies or can be
Brookfield Viscometer
BROOKFIELD VISCOMETER Viscosity testing can be carried out on site with the centers fully calibrated Brookfield Viscometer. MET provides analysis testing to determine the properties
Design Evaluation and Optimisation Technologies
Design Evaluation and Optimisation Technologies The primary aim of this technology is to provide a number of technologies to entrepreneurs, SME’s and established companies where